The Best Simple Salad: Jennifer Fisher's Green Greek Salad

This Jennifer Fisher Kitchen Green Greek Salad is a staple in our house- try it and it will be in yours, too. I just know it.

This Jennifer Fisher Kitchen Green Greek Salad is a staple in our house- try it and it will be in yours, too. I just know it.

One thing I aspire to be? A person who can just “throw together a salad” when friends pop by unexpectedly, without needing a recipe to follow. That girl who knows how to carry on a full conversation while effortlessly assembling something delicious that requires no complicated ingredients or a “must measure every ingredient” homemade salad dressing to put on top.

When I observe my friends sashaying around their kitchens, chopping and tossing and serving while simultaneously doing a million other things, I feel like a little kid who stumbled into a grown-up world- and I am starting to not like that feeling…

Anyway, I digress…

Let me introduce the salad that has made my dream a reality: The Green Greek Salad from Jennifer Fisher. Click over to her site for the recipe- and don’t yell at me when you look up after perusing all the recipes on her site and realize the entire day as passed and you didn’t accomplish one thing on your to do list- I get it, and I have been there. And I will be there again. I am unabashedly, completely obsessed with her recipes.

This salad is in our fridge at all times- I chop the romaine, dill, green onions and cucumbers (note: I peel and de-seed them, as instructed, and it makes a HUGE difference- also keeps the salad from getting watery when you store it) in one giant marathon prep session so it is always good to go. A sprinkle of feta, lemon juice, some olive oil and, of course, the famous Jennifer Fisher Universal Salt and you are DONE.

We top with chicken or shrimp sometimes too to make it more of a main course, FYI.

A few essentials to accessorize the experience:

Misto Olive Oil Spray Mister is a reusable oil spray and mister bottle that gives you the convenience and health benefits of typical aerosol sprayers but in a more healthy, economical and environmental way!

Jennifer Fisher Serving Bowl: So chic, no?

Matte White Serving Bowl: Well priced and classic, total perfection.

Gorilla Grip Cutting Boards are the BEST- so well priced, tons of colors, and a set of 3 is $16.99.

Jennifer Fisher Salts: Get them, gift them, love them. Trust me on this.

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