A Genius Way To Update Your Activewear: SWEATSTYLE

Perhaps it is confirmation bias of sorts (ya know, since I am a mom living in the 'burbs and my informal focus group consists mostly of women in the same demographic) but everyone seems to be obsessed with finding high fashion and high function new activewear that doesn't necessarily come from Lululemon. Nothing against Lululemon- I happen to be a big fan- but right now I feel like everyone wants to discover things they haven't already seen a million times over. 

So, when I found out about SWEATSTYLE, I did something I have never done before- signed up to receive curated seasonal shipments. In the past, when offered the opportunity to try similar services in the fashion space, I declined- but this particular concept really resonated with me- a low risk ($20 charge per delivery, which, if you buy any item in said delivery, gets deducted from the price), super convenient way to find new brands and add pieces to my closet that every other girl in my spin class didn't necessarily own.

In case you aren't familiar with this emerging trend of "stylist curated fashion delivery services"- here is the gist: You create a profile and answer a ton of questions so they can get an idea as to your style preferences, sizes and current needs. Based on that, pieces are selected that hopefully fit the bill, and soon a package arrives filled with items that will you will hopefully fall hopelessly in love with. And if you don't, no biggie- you provide feedback when you return the pieces that don't work for you, and ideally with each delivery, more and more items suit your style needs to eventually build a complete, cohesive wardrobe. 

My first SWEATSTYLE delivery introduced me to Vimmia compression leggings which I am now wearing constantly, and the loose fit tank top from Prismsport which is so perfect for so many occasions.  SWEATSTYLE works with so many great labels- here is a partial list- such a perfect conduit between those of us obsessed with activewear and the independent brands that we need to know about but would not necessarily come across otherwise. 

Oh- and even if you are super lazy when it comes to online returns, let me add that the delivery includes a pre-labeled, postage-paid bag so dealing with the return part of the equation really is effortless. 

You guys really should give this a go- sign up here. I am so, SO glad I did. 

Note: Photos featured are from the SWEATSTYLE Instagram account.